La Profecia del Munay - Pelicula documental - Naupany Puma

Natural way of meditation by Kunio Shohei Nomura
Author of "beyond national egoism" + Inochi-no Seminar
"Seitai" natural way of meditation in Salzburg

Is the sense of separateness a truth of existence?
"Enlightenment, as a concept, creates a lot of confusion and is too overrated. I prefer to speak of self-realization. Finding ourselves and delving into the meaning of life is the most important discovery of human beings, and the only real key to a happy life that is really worth living." Kunio S. Nomura

Itsuo Tsuda sur "Seitai" katsugen-undo et yuki
Haruchika Noguchi "pour maintenir la santé, l'homme n'a besoin d'aucune méthode"

... if these characteristics of taiheki are corrected beforehand, (– due to Seitai-soho + „katsugen undo“ -) everyone gives birth naturally and easily.

AIDS has nothing to do with immune suppression; and that it should really be called Acquired Energy Deficiency Syndrome -- AEDS -- because its true cause is a breakdown in the delivery of oxygen to the blood and/or body tissues.

Manitonquat "medicine story"
Rainbow Gathering - The Circle Way
in Finning am Ammersee Herbst 2017

Considering healthy childbirth - by Mutsuko Nomura (Seitai)
Childbirth—the joy of welcoming the birth of a new life. The reality, however, is that many women damage their body through childbirth. What is needed for healthy childbirth for the mother and child?

Ended - thank you for your attendance - Ukončené - ďakujeme za vašu účasť
Seitai "katsugen-undo + Yuki" "Ak chcete, aby vaše telo v poriadku, takže budete musieť urobiť sami" "Wenn Du Körper +Geist ordnen willst, so kannst Du es nur selbst tun" "If you want to order your body, you can only do it yourself." Haruchika Noguchi „Seitai“