orgastic birth 2

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... if these characteristics of taiheki are corrected beforehand, (– due to Seitai-soho + „katsugen undo“ -) everyone gives birth naturally and easily.

Haruchika Noguchi-Seitai:

Understanding the Individual VI/2

Therefore Seitai-Soho is not, as is often supposed, something that cures illness or maintains health. Why is it taken this way? By way of answer, let us take the example of giving birth:

These days, the essential physiological make-up of women – the recognition that it is the woman‘s body itself that gives birth – has been forgotten, and people think only in terms of making women give birth by means of various techniques. They think in terms of using forceps to drag a baby forth or of a caesarian section. But a child that has been dragged out into the world or cut out of its mother‘s womb does not grow up in the straightforward manner of a child that has been born naturally.

(everything that is joyfull – pregnancy, birth, childcare – breastfeeding, education,… becomes difficult, because the parents look for help outside, instead of following the wisdom of nature in the baby and themselfes)

Why is there this difference? Removing a child at full term from the mother‘s womb without causing any pain to the mother – people suppose that this should have no ill effect on the child that is born, but in reality there is a great difference in the way such a child grows up. In the end, one should give birth to a child with the stregth of one‘s own body. If a women goes ahead and gives birth to a child using her own body‘s strength and her own body‘s workings, various bodily habits and tendencies (taiheki) of hers will manifest themselfes. There are women who give birth soon after labour pains start, and women who don‘t give birth for some time, women who bleed a lot and others who don‘t bleed much, and women who pass the afterbirth quickly and others who do not. In these ways, each individual‘s „taiheki“ shows itself. But if these characteristics of taiheki are corrected beforehand, (– due to Seitai-soho + „katsugen undo“ -) everyone gives birth naturally and easily.

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