Rainbow Gathering

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Manitonquat "medicine story"
Rainbow Gathering - The Circle Way
in Finning am Ammersee Herbst 2017



For all of you who keep reading my books and articles and coming to our workshops and camps – please know think of you all often.  I write for you.  And I always read what you write to me.  In our circles, and if you call or visit, I listen to you.

We are all important, and I wonder if you realize how important you are.  If you know that old Capra film classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” – where the angel, Henry Travers, shows James Stewart, who was about to jump off a bridge and end it all, what the world would be like if he had never been there - do you think about all the lives you have touched and what your presence has meant to them?

Anyway – I think about you a lot, along with my sons and grandchildren, and also all of those I don’t know whom my writing may have reached – and I have wishes for all of you:

1.  I wish you health, that you may live longer than I, and that the mistakes you make only make you wiser.

2.  I’d like you to be, in the words of the Dylan song, “Forever Young”- to do that you must stay interested, find new interests and keep learning right to the last minute of your life.

3.  I wish you may find at least one soul mate.  Not one just like you, but one who sees your goodness and wants to support your struggles and cheer your successes.  I want you to have at least one person in your life who knows you as fully and truly as Ellika and I know each other, who will pick you up when you stumble.  (Of course I’m sure it could be possible to have more than one, maybe many.)  Tell people you are looking for a soul mate and, if they are looking too, then open your hearts and listen to each other.  A soul mate is not just a lucky find - sometimes it takes a bit of effort.  Soul mates do not have to live together – we are all in this universe together always – stay open to love and each other.

4.  I wish you may have many friends and well-wishers who let you know clearly how much you mean to them, how glad they are for your presence in their lives.

5.  I wish you may discover your unique gift that can make a positive contribution to this world and leave it better than it was before you came along.

6.  I wish you may discover not just one but a few, perhaps many activities that bring you joy just in the doing, whether alone or with others.  I am never bored - don't you be - wastes precious time.

7.  To live is to change, and I hope you will be able to receive the inevitable changes in a way that is not debilitating but creates growth, makes you stronger, wiser, and more alive.

8.  I hope, for you and for me both, that when checkout time does arrive we will be able to say, “Thank you.  I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

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