The purpose of „katsugen undo“ (divine seitai movement)

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Haruchika Noguchi Seitai „Order, body, spontaniety“
(Vishwananda - Shreemad Bhagavatam 1.1.9 + Osho "latihan" - Mahamudra - Tantra)


"Erkältung/Grippe verstehen und Nutzen für die Gesundheit" München
Spring 2024 Seitai-Workshops Slovenien "Apache in Lenart/Maribur - "colds & their benefit
"Sunny Hill" Koger "katsugen-undo + yuki" * Anmeldung: shima (at)


The purpose of „katsugen undo“ is to order our bodies properly, to put them in a state of Seitai. Ordering the body properly is essential not only for health; it is the precondition for various activities,… Everything begins from a properly ordered body.

Having a properly ordered body is the prerequisite for any activity. If you cannot run straight, you cannot run well; if your pelvic region is stiff, you cannot swing a golf club properly. So ordering your body is beneficial not only for your health.

Because „katsugen undo“ makes giving birth easy, some people suppose that this is the main reason for doing it. But what „katsugen undo“ does is put the unconscious move-ments of the body in order, and adjust those parts of the body that you cannot move volontarily. It is not espescially a method to make giving birth less painful, it is simply that when the body is in good order, childbirth becomes natural and easy.

Recently, even in curing sickness, this concept of first setting our bodies in good order is being applied.

If you have learnt how to let your body order itself, you can adjust your body to conditions abroad. There is nothing to worry about. This capacity of the body to balance itself is in us all, and unless the body is badly imbalanced, sickness helps you to get the disordered parts in your body into balance.

The same is true of Seitai: if you want to put your body in order, you must do it yourself. It is wrong to want other people to regulate your body for you. The principle of Seitai is that you yourself should be resposible for putting your body in order, but people make the mistake of expecting someone else to do it for them.

Some people have the illusion that they need help from someone else to order their bodies, or, even worse, insist that their bodies should be treated by someone else; „That‘s what professionals are for,“ they say. But if you have an itch, only you know how much it is itching and when to stop scratching. If you scratch someone else‘s back for them, though, you can not tell how long you should keep it up or how hard you should do it: you do not even know exactly where the other person‘s itch is.

But since most people have not used their extra-pyramidal tracts for a long time, there are those whose bodies have become completely insensitive, as well as other people who cannot relax totally. They cannot empty their minds, because they are worried that other people may be looking at them, or that someone may be laughing at them, or that the piece of cake they left in the refrigerator may be eaten by someone else.

Since „katsugen undo“ occurs naturally, anyone can experience it by tensing his body as much as possible and then suddenly relaxing. Releasing the tension empties the mind, and when the mind is blank „katsugen undo“ occurs. People who can relax and empty their minds are fortunate.

To allow the Regenerating Movement "katsugen-undo" to occur, one must first free one’s head from thoughts, have a blank mind, but how does that come about?
To empty your head, you first drop the thoughts that come into your mind. An empty mind means
that if there are thoughts, they go away. The mind needs to be active in any case, but the thoughts
are not important. At the beginning it’s a bit difficult, but after some time, you don’t worry about
that any more and gradually everything goes without saying. Itsuo Tsuda

Seitai „katsugen undo“ (divine seitai movement + Osho "latihan" - Mahamudra)

If you want a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential – who you really are. Meditation is the route to that knowing: it is the methodology of the science of awareness...

The beauty of the inner science is that it enables you to experiment and explore within, and to do so alone. This eliminates dependence on any authority, any organization, on any ideology – and once you understand the steps you walk your own, individual way.

Many meditative techniques ask us to sit still and be silent. For most of us, accumulated stress in our body/mind makes that difficult, so before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions. „katsugen undo“ release the tensions in the whole body - which can not be relaxed by voluntary exercises - and empties the mind; when the mind is blank you are ONE.
(Tantra: The Supreme Understanding S.86 Osho CHAPTER 6. THE GREAT TEACHING)

Shreemad Bhagavatam 1.1.9 (is katsugen-undo to easy?) by Paramahamsa Sri Vishwananda

You know very well that people always look for easy things, right?

However, sometimes, when they get easy things, they find it‘s so easy, that they don‘t want to believe in it. In the movie of the life of St. Philip Neri, one monk asked him „Why is it difficult to follow what Christ says in the Bible?“ St.Philip Neri replied, „Because it‘s very easy and simple.“

You see, when things are easy, it is due to that easiness and simplicity that people don‘t like to follow them. Therefore, easy things become difficult, because people like to complicate things. The more complicated they are, the more you think you are learning.
Without the limiting mind, everything is given; it‘s already there.
But due to the simplicity of it, people think…. If inside your mind you are already negative, you will never find it. Even in one hundred lives, you will never find Realisation. Even if Narayana Himself comes and touches you with His finger, if you follow your stupid mind, you will never get anything!

Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda

how to order the body by "katsugen-undo" = "divine seitai movement" whole text here

how to learn and practice "katsugen-undo"

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